Homeowners / Renters Insurance Claim

NOTE: Fields marked with * are required.

Contact Information
First Name *

Last Name *

Address (Line 1) *
Address (Line 2)
City *
County *

State *

Zip Code *

Day-Time Phone *
Evening Phone
Email Address *
How would you like us to communicate with you regarding your claim? *
When is the best time to contact you?

Incident / Loss Information
Date of Accident or Incident *
Time of Accident (Please include AM or PM) *
Authority Contacted (i.e. police, fire, etc.) *
Authority Report Number

Were Any Witnesses Present? *

If yes, please list.

Were There Any Injuries? *
If there WERE injuries, please provide Name, Address, Phone Number and Extent of the Injuries in the box.

Damage Information

Was Policyholder Property Damaged? *

If so, please describe the damage in this box.

Other Involved Parties
Provide Contact Information for ALL other parties involved in the incident.

Additional Comments
Please provide any additional comments on your claim here.



Copyright ©, Gem City Insurance Inc., 2003